Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Purpose

To learn and develop an understanding of the many techniques and forms of cartography.

Maps to catalog
Below you will find a list of maps to locate and place in your map catalog blog. Throughout the semester, this list will expand and descriptions of the map types refined. You are expected to have 50 map types in your final catalog. You can add maps to this list if they are discussed in class. Because some map types may be harder to find, I encourage you to use your notes, slides, and readings to add more map types to this list. Please do not include multiple maps of the same exact map type.
Locate and select maps to post to your blog that are legible. Resolution should be high. Text and imagery should be clear. I recommend using Google image search to locate maps. On the assignment page, I have also posted a list of web sites where many different types of maps are archived. You may also scan in map types books and magazines. Please do not use maps from our readings, the slides, or from the blogs of your fellow students. For each map, include the direct URL where the map was taken. Also include a 2-3 sentence description of what is shown in the map. If the map is a hybrid of several map types, be succinct and explain the types shown in your map. Use the vocabulary from your notes, slides, and readings. More information is given below.
1. Mental maps
2. Planimetric map
3. Topographic map
4. Thematic maps
5. Cadastral maps
6. PLSS maps
7. Hypsometric maps
8. Propaganda maps
9. Dot distribution maps
10. Choropleth maps
11. Proportional circle maps
12. Isoline maps
13. Flow maps
14. Cartograms
15. Statistical maps
16. Cartographic animations
17. Infrared aerial photo
18. Black and white aerial photo
19. Doppler radar
21. Isobars
22. Isotachs
23. Isohyets
24. Isopach
25. Isopleths
26. DRG
27. DLG
28. DEM
29. DOQQ
30. Continuously variable proportional circle map
31. Range graded proportional circle map
32. Classed choropleth maps
33. Unclassed choropleth maps
34. Bivariate choropleth maps
35. Univariate choropleth maps
36. Standardized choropleth maps
37. Unstandardized choropleth maps
38. Nominal area choropleth map
39. Bilateral graph
40. Accumulative line graph or Lorenz curve
41. Index value plot
42. Scatterplot
43. Population profile
44. Climograph
45. Windrose
46. Triangular plot
47. Parallel coordinate graph
48. Histogram
49. Box plot
50. Stem and leaf plot
51. Similarity matrix
52. Correlation matrix
53. Star plots

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